Free webinar at 1 p.m. Eastern time (US), Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sometimes our body responds to the introduction of a food with a protective or adverse reaction, anaphylactic reaction, and today, in industrialized countries and with a higher standard of living, we are witnessing a continuous increase in cases relating to hypersensitivity reactions to foods. In addition to the natural slowness with which natural selection operates, adaptation to the intake of certain foods also depends on the frequency with which they are consumed. The body’s reactions can be the most varied. They can give rise to antibody responses, activate phagocytic cells, which attack, phagocytose and remove the inactivated antigen from circulation, release cytotoxic substances. Our daily diet significantly influences the formation and functions of our intestinal microbiota. Autism syndrome and ADHD appear to be strongly and directly influenced by the presence of adverse reactions to foods and chemical substances such as additives, preservatives and colorants used in the food industry.

This is a joint presentation by ARI and the World Autism Organisation.

Food Adverse Reaction and Intestinal Microbiota

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About the speaker:

PROF. CARMELO RIZZO, MD practices medicine in his Rome clinic. He graduated in 1984 at the Faculty of Medicine in Rome. He grew his interest in the field of nutrition. He started, first in Italy, from United States, where he lived and studied in the early years of his professional training, the Cytotest method, subsequently revised, modified and patented in Italy. Always looking for new scientific methods, he has carried out numerous studies in the field of food allergies comparing different diagnostic methods and applying clinical principles inspired by English and US literature. He created a group of “clinical ecologists” by providing training and research opportunities in the field of nutrition and allergy.

Since 1986 he collaborates with Prof. Leonard McEwen director of McEwen Laboratories LTD of Pangbourne (Berkshire) for the development and diffusion of the EPD polyvalent desensitizing therapy in Italy, for this reason since 2013 he has also been involved in the production and marketing. He is also a clinical consultant in many foreign countries such as Russia, Albania, Romania, Azerbaijan, Poland where he has spread his clinical and therapeutic methods and diagnostic tests to support his studies. Founder of numerous scientific organizations aimed to train professionals, participates in various associations for Autistic Disorders and ADHD. He participated as a lecturer and taught in various Italian universities: University of Urbino, Pavia University, Biomedical Campus of Rome, Telematic University of Rome “Unicusano”, Consorzio Universitario HUMANITAS–LUMSA.

Honorary professor at State University of Medicine in Tirana.

Lecturer at Scientific and Practical Center for Children’s Psychoneurology in Moscow.

Researcher and Lecturer for Balkans capital for ASD and ADHD.

Associate Professor at Faculty in Mental Health Education Ulster University, College of Medicine and Dentistry – UK