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This talk focuses on strategies for planning ahead for the challenges of maintaining a nutritious diet throughout the school year. It is offered in partnership with The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development.

Published: 07/13/2016

Kelly Barnhill, MBA, CN, CCN serves as the Nutrition Coordinator for ARI. She is also Director of the Nutrition Clinic and the Clinical Care Coordinator at the Johnson Center for Child Health and Development. In her private practice, Kelly focuses on building appropriate dietary and supplementation protocols for children with developmental delays and disorders, siblings of affected children, and children with significant gastrointestinal disease. Kelly also has expertise in prenatal and infant nutrition. She practices in Austin, Texas.

Back-to-School Resources

August 22nd, 2022|News|

Whether you’re a parent preparing a child for grade school or an adult transitioning into or out of college, the back-to-school season can present unique challenges. Not only do schedules and priorities