For many people with autism, a good night’s sleep is an elusive thing. As much as 86 percent of children on the spectrum experience disrupted sleep, which can leave them feeling out of sync with the rest of the world. This video explores the connection between autism and sleep, and offers steps autistic people can take to feel more rested.

This content is brought to you by Spectrum News. Video animation by Lottie Kingslake; script by Emma Bryce

Wellbeing Wins: Integrating Positive Psychology into the Autism Community

September 25th, 2024|Adults on the Spectrum, Anxiety, Anxiety, Back to School, depression, Executive Function, Health, Neurological, Self Care, Sleep Issues, Social Skills, Webinar|

Free webinar at 1 p.m. Eastern time (US), Wednesday, September 25, 2024 About the speaker: Patricia Wright, PhD, MPH, is Executive Director of Proof Positive: Autism Wellbeing Alliance.

Sexual Victimization in Autism

August 23rd, 2023|News|

In this article: Chronic maltreatment and sexual victimization Trauma and quality of life Risk Factors What can we do? A safer future Resources Despite evidence to the contrary, misperceptions of autistic