Presented by Ron Leaf, PhD

It’s Time for School: Building Quality Education Programs for Students with ASD
Presented by Ron Leaf, PhD at the Fall 2012 Autism Research Institute Conference

School Districts across the country are struggling to meet the needs of students with ASD. Budgets are tight making it is hard to think about being proactive when there are not enough dollars to even cover day-to-day operations. However, districts have found that developing quality education programs for students with autism can actually result in substantial savings. During this presentation Dr. Leaf discusses factors that contribute to the development of classrooms that provide effective educational for students with ASD. Dr. Leaf shares what he has found to be indicators of a “good” school district, teacher and classroom.

Published: 03/25/2013

Presenter: Ron Leaf, PhD

Dr. Ronald Leaf is a licensed psychologist who has over thirty-five years of experience in the field of autism; he worked with Ivar Lovaas while receiving his undergraduate and doctorate degrees at UCLA. He is co-author of: A Work in Progress; Building Quality ABA Educational Programs for Students with ASD; Sense and Nonsense in the Behavioral Treatment of Autism and Crafting Connections. Dr. Leaf has consulted nationally and internationally with families and school districts; he is Director of Autism Partnership.

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