Presented by Lucy Jane Miller, Ph.D., OTR. As a founder of the first comprehensive Sensory Processing Disorder research program nationwide and author of groundbreaking Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and co-author of No Longer A SECRET, Dr. Lucy Jane Miller’s name is synonymous with sensory research, education, and treatment.

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  • infant bonding

Caregiver Strategies for Building Infant Social Interaction

October 9th, 2024|Autism Spectrum Disorders, Early Intervention, Educational Therapies, Infants, Parenting, Parenting, Pregnancy, Research, Siblings, Social Skills, Technology and ASD, Ways to Help, Webinar|

Free webinar at 1 p.m. Eastern time (US), Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Tune in to hear Dr. Laurie Vismara discuss Infant Start, the Downward Extension of the Early Start

Motor Skills and Executive Function in Autism

July 6th, 2024|Back to School, Early Intervention, Educational Therapies, Executive Function, Health, News, Parenting, Sensory, Social Skills|

Megan MacDonald, Ph.D., and Megan McClelland, Ph.D., discuss emerging research on the relationship between motor skill development and executive function in autism. They define motor skills and executive function, discuss their long-term impact